Monday 30 September 2024

Monday 23 September 2024

Thursday 19 September 2024

Eastern Scotland - Part I

This trip is a bit of a litmus test, if it is as stressful as my S. England trip, it is time to think about downsizing the van.

Sunday 8th - Stopped at great Italian deli in Morpeth for lunch, then overnight at Dunbar which was probably nice but shrouded in mist. A return visit is needed to do their art trail but I did see the Dunbear (by Andy Scott, the same sculptor who designed the Kelpies). 

Monday 9th - In the morning it had cleared enough to see Bass Rock from my pitch.  But I headed off to Rosslyn Chapel (of The Da Vinci Code fame) just south of Edinburgh. Interesting building, but no photos allowed inside. The guide gave a good talk, and the place was pretty full with coach tourists.

Over the Forth road bridge, trying not to gawp too much at the fab rail bridge to my right, on to the East Wemyss caves. I'd found these on an app called Atlas Obscura. Right on the coast, it was a nice spot for a lunch break but I didn't really see the pictish carvings as the caves were gated. (Several days later I read you can get the gate key from the local shop! Well that's handy to know....) I did see Sandwich terns though. Then on to Anstruther, and a couple of nights at Bankside Farm CL.


Tuesday 10 - After a wild and windy night, I awoke to brilliant blue skies. Caught the bus to St Andrews and had a terrific day. Such a pretty, tree-lines town. First stop the museum, then walked down to the castle on the coast. 

Over to Wardlaw museum in the University grounds - what a view from the top! 

Lots of science exhibits. 

Galileo Galilei defends his theories
Ian Banks and a dalek in the same picture!

Lunch of Cullen skink in The Bothy, (nice, with a slurp of rose too, well I am on holiday) and down to the harbour for an ice cream (same excuse). Quick nosy at the cathedral then I took the bus halfway back.

I got off the bus at the lovely village of Crail and walked the last few miles back to the campsite on the coastal path - redshank, cormorants, heron, oystercatchers and a really good look at a vole! Beautiful coastal views and more caves.

Wednesday 11th