This visit was timed to see Keston Cobblers Club playing the Trades Centre on the Friday night. They were very good as expected, as were their support the Wildflowers. Interesting little venue. I ate at a Turkish restaurant beforehand, and had some great seafood kebabs.
Hebden Bridge is still recovering from the Boxing Day floods, which reached 5ft in places, and about 30% of traders are still closed. This is the list from the campsite.

On Saturday Jacquie came down to watch the rugby, but first we did the town trail - well, we went shopping while occasionally looking at the town trail booklet. Fantastic shoe shop (RubyShoesday) and a glass art shop, lovely purses/scarves and oooh I could have spent a fortune. We totally failed to find a sensible place for the rugby so abandoned the attempt and separated to head home. THEN I got a text saying David was on his way! So back in to town for another 2 hours, drinking tea and catching up.
I put my glass panel up and the light brought out lots more colour and detail. It made me a bit nervous having it there though, so not sure I will hang it very often.

Sunday - a beautiful walk above the campsite, on the moors around 3 reservoirs. Part of the trail was the Pennine Way, and God help them if the weather is bad, it was very exposed. On the way there was one of Simon Armitage's stanza stones - ironically it was the poem called RAIN.
Monday, packed up and on the way home I went to IKEA to buy some storage pots for the van. Cost of pots = 2 x 75p = £1.50. Amount spent in IKEA = £25.