Sunday, 16 June 2024

Beardy trimmed - back to the garage we go.

Halfway to Beardy Folk, a warning light came on the dashboard and refused to go out. After a quick Google I found it was a 'transmission problem' and could be one of a number of things. As no-one seemed to be screaming 'Don't Drive!' I carried on to Hopton Court.

The festival was great fun, 9 of us altogether, and a biblical thunderstorm on Friday night, just to up the mud levels.

I left a day early, on Sunday afternoon, so I could get the van back in to the garage on Monday for a check up*. 

*Update - after a bit of to and fro, it was found to be a fuel pressure valve, which meant not enough fuel was being delivered and the engine could have cut out at heavy loads. Of course the valve was BEHIND the engine, so hard to get to, but in the end only 2 hours labour plus parts came to £270 ish.