Saturday, 7 June 2014

Ups and downs, but no further down the road

Well the van finally died, the battery totally flattened. So I couldn't take it to BAMfest :-( and had to drive there and back each day - NOT GOOD.

While I was there, I got this made

by a man with a bicycle-powered jig saw. Cool!

Today they came out to sort the van, and it took all day - two trips to the parts shop, an oil spill and a day's holiday for me - before finally it fired up. The chief suspect is the fridge wiring which could have been draining the battery, so that has been disabled for now, and I will take it down to be sorted another day.

So tomorrow - we drive! Hopefully to Spurn Point, maybe also Burton Agnes gardens via Beverley. Nowhere to stay as yet, but I have the Caravan Club book and a phone so should be able to get somewhere. AND I bought a Duvalay - yay! So will be road testing that.

Fingers crossed....