Sunday, 31 May 2015


Back for a second visit to BAMfest, this time with the van. Decent camping, but you couldn't come off the site for the whole weekend, so I never got down in to Bedale, being too lazy to walk, plus the 2 stages on site were permanently playing. Slightly boring food supplies. I bought some garlic cheese which didn't travel!
My van is bang in the middle of this pic.
  • Bands of note were - Rob Heron and the Tea Pad Orchestra, The Most Ugly Child, Fireside Knights, Backyard Buskers,  Henry Priestman.
  • Bands who were 'meh' - Martin Stephenson, very odd man and too much talking. Jon Palmer band, fine except for the lead singers lisp.
  • Band to avoid - Babajack. I actually got up and walked out.
  • Band who wasn't a band - Les Barker, lovely monologues, very funny in a slow gentle style

Saturday, 9 May 2015

With the Merry Men (and women)

Arrived at Sherwood Forest in drizzle and the rain stayed all evening and much of Saturday.

Pauline handed me a lemon cupcake when I arrived, delicious. Shame I spilt all my coffee granuals on the floor of my van! Stupid Dowe Egbert's stopper.

Need to find a word for the time interval between saying "ooh, peacocks!" and then saying "shut UP you flipping peacocks!"

Friday night was wet and blowy, I skipped the BBQ and ate in, but lots of people did persevere. A terrible night's sleep, with the attached awning bashing the sides of the van. At 3am I relented and went out to un-attach it and thwack some more pegs in round the edges. New wellies were a boon!

Slept a lot of the next day, and then went to the quiz in the evening. Hilarious, with a mix up between ladies fingers and killer whales, plus a maths question cancelled as it was so complicated Graham couldn't even read it out!

Next day, a photo before I set off:

On the way back, called in at Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre - AVOID! Horribly tacky, from the Robin Hood themed pub, to ye olde shoppe and paved paths.

<---- Robin Hood looked like Errol Flynn it seems.

As I was there, I followed the orange, fenced path to the Major Oak. It was pretty fantastic, much more impressive than a photo can show. So I did get something out of the £3 parking charge!