Sunday, 31 May 2015


Back for a second visit to BAMfest, this time with the van. Decent camping, but you couldn't come off the site for the whole weekend, so I never got down in to Bedale, being too lazy to walk, plus the 2 stages on site were permanently playing. Slightly boring food supplies. I bought some garlic cheese which didn't travel!
My van is bang in the middle of this pic.
  • Bands of note were - Rob Heron and the Tea Pad Orchestra, The Most Ugly Child, Fireside Knights, Backyard Buskers,  Henry Priestman.
  • Bands who were 'meh' - Martin Stephenson, very odd man and too much talking. Jon Palmer band, fine except for the lead singers lisp.
  • Band to avoid - Babajack. I actually got up and walked out.
  • Band who wasn't a band - Les Barker, lovely monologues, very funny in a slow gentle style