First trip after my appendix op, a bit nervous but checked out the site and all sounded manageable, plus there were lots of SMCF chums there. Terrible drive down, in bad weather, but beautiful sun on the Sat/Sun. Very sore on Saturday so just sat around eating ice-cream and drinking ginger beer - this is the life!

Moira Furnace is an old coal-fired iron works, now a museum. Right on the canal and lovely grounds which were full of beardy-types, musicians and morris dancers. Plus lots of families and normal people such as me.
The music was enjoyable in the main, (although avoid a band called Pennyless if you ever come across them). Not as strong or varied as Bedale but much nicer surroundings.

The usual suspects, Ian/Sue, Brian/Liz, Brian and two ladies whose names I have forgotten but were lovely.
Bought lots of tombola tickets, necklaces and books, plus a Christmas present for Dad (shhhh!).