Saturday, 7 November 2015

Wet Wet Wet in Hawes

Arrived very late after a hair-raising journey in the dark across country, thanks to my insane sat-nav. Got a bit lost in Hawes which is not easy to do, but I went to their bonfire and fireworks display before checking in. Usual sterile Caravan Club set up, but you can walk in to town so that is a huge plus.

Spent the day locally, at the museum which had a short sculpture trail outside. My favourites were these lovely copper bats.

The weather was dreadful all night and most of the day, but I managed to dodge the downpours. The rain made the waterfall in the village centre pretty spectacular.

Walked through the village up to the Wensleydale Creamery, where you can watch the men in white wellies and blue hairnets supervising the cheese.

Back to the van for soup, soon accompanied by the drumming of rain on the roof.

On Sunday, more rain, so I headed home and emptied out the van completely, ready to hand over in exchange for my new one.