I took the van up to site in a nearby village to check it all out, and arrived back home the next day feeling as if I had been at sea for a week. The weather was atrocious, lashing rain and gusty wind shaking the van all night. I was intending to have a shower in their lovely facilities and then go out for the evening but that was all abandoned and instead I just hunkered down.
Plus side
- No leaks! not even the door
- All electrics work
- Bed cushions much more comfortable
- Gas hob glass cover gives lots more usable space.
- I got Spotify and the radio working via my tablet hot spot! (Mum - if you are reading this, that is a very good thing.)
- Getting the hang of the Dali-esque mentality of the back door.
Minus side
- Putting the bed together is more like crazy paving with small life-rafts, and very tiring. I obviously am missing a trick - I nearly fell through the middle of it in the night, which can't be right.
- The curtains need some work - they have used adhesive velcro which has now dropped off.