David's band (
Your Illuminations) were playing The Factory in Manchester and not wanting to drive to Princess Street on a Saturday just before Christmas, I hit upon the cunning wheeze of taking the van to a site and getting a tram in from there. I found a place called The Hawthorne's Nightstop and after a couple of emails I was all booked in.

All in all it was successful, but the pitch was a slot on a very scruffy car park, in a very scruffy area. You definitely don't want to go there for any other reason than to stop over on the way to somewhere else!
But it was walking distance to Oldham Mumps MetroLink station, and that took me straight in to Manchester Victoria for £3.80 return.

I went to see the Alan Turing memorial, just outside the area on the map labelled Gay Village. Then had a fabulous Chinese at Middle Kingdom before saying hello to the chaps backstage in The Factory. (Then I nipped off for a relaxing drink in the Lass O'Gowrie until show time).

The support band Petra Flowers were pretty good and then there was a sudden increase in people and a surge for the front before YI came on in spectacular style. A great set, including a short Christmas singalong, some crowd participation, a nice sit down for a sad song (and pledge to donate to Cancer Research) and some leaping around to Dead of the Night. All topped off with Hey Scarlet.
Tram and taxi back to the van, which was all in one piece and untouched, thankfully. A peaceful night except for the music ringing in my ears!