Friday, 18 June 2021

"Great Bridlington...

...... Heart of the Yorkshire Coast"

So says the tourist website. I was there for a walking weekend with a Meetup group.

Friday 18th

Roof catches repaired, rubber seal stuck down, and a new leisure battery to fix the lights - I didn't know the lights always run from the 12v leisure battery and not hook-up.

As I arrived, it started raining, typical it has been baking for the previous 2 weeks. Drove through the old town which looked interesting but no parking and raining so I didn't stop.

Lunch at the nearby farm shop where I stocked up on groceries too.

Drove out to Flamborough chalk tower (world famous....) and the lighthouse (closed). This was the site of a naval battle during the American War of Independence, which was a surprise.

Saturday 19th

Met the group at the station and got the train to Bempton. Fabulous day, perfect weather and lots of amazing birds at RSPB Bempton. I abandoned the walk at Flamborough village and got the bus back to Brid, having done 7 miles. The final tally was 11 so glad I stopped when I did! 

Visited the fair and seafront, proper traditional family fun. Rhubarb and ginger Mr Moo's ice-cream and then home. I didn't feel to bad considering.

Sunday 20th

Didn't do the walk, just as well - it was advertised as 4m but turned out to be 6! I visited nearby Dane's Dyke, an iron age defensive ditch spanning the headland. It ended at a bright white beach with snowy boulders, the most northern outcrop of chalk in Britain. Amazing birdsong in the woodland walk. Then on to meet the group at Fraisborough beach for lunch. Bit grotty tbh.

In the afternoon visited Sewerby Hall, a municipal attraction with a zoo, golf, bowls and a station for the land train to Brid.  

In the evening got invited to join some people from New Companions, who are solo travellers. Well-meaning but not my kind - 'I never watch modern comedy because it isn't funny' and other genius remarks. They preferred 'Ello 'Ello.