Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Bolton Abbey - in hot water

After a hab check and service, I now have 2 full Calor gas bottles, for the first time ever. How Steve had managed to get hold of them I don't know, and didn't ask. He also fixed the water outflows, but the water pump had died so needed replacing. Also needed a new battery in the smoke alarm, it must have been beeping for ages in the body shop over the winter!

I drove up to the CMC site on the Bolton Abbey estate via Greenhow, a lovely run but the narrow bridge at Barden was a bit of a fright. As I had water in the tank I actually used the hot water system (again, for the first time) and it was nicer on the hands and face for sure. 

The site is right on the river access and so the next day I rambled slowly down the far bank to the Cavendish cafe for lunch - via Harrison's Ford, ha ha - and back up the Strid side, around 5 miles altogether. The forecast rain didn't appear and it was plenty warm enough. 

The next day I drove over to Silsden and met up with Sue. We had a coffee (quelle surprise) and beans on toast for me, then she took me on a short walk (4 miles?) along a section of the Bradford Millennium loop. We came back in to Silsden along the Leeds/Liverpool canal towpath.