Bank Holiday fun with my old friend Jacquie who now has a smashing all-electric Wheelhome van, which I completely forgot to get a photo of. We were on Blackmore CCC near a small village called Hanley Swan. This had a pub, a shop, and a village hall, all of which we made use of.
Sadly due to a cockup by me, our plan to get the bus to Worcester failed (no buses at the weekend). But this meant we did attend the Hanley Swan Village Show! No luck on the tombola but got some bits and pieces from the car boot.
On Sunday Jacqui drove us over to Malvern, and after doing the cultural bit (looking at the priory church) we had a nice coffee and a good rootle round some charity shops. It's an interesting town, set on a steep hillside, famous for the Malvern waters.